11 2023 grenoble English-speaking jobs in Brittany
25-296 Observing lagrangian transport pathways in the Mediterranean Sea from sp
- Centre national d'études spatiales
- Brest
- March 6
oceanographic field campaigns have been carried out during the first phase of the SWOT mission in Spring 2023 ... The student will be affiliated with the University of Grenoble Alpes and jointly supervised by Julien ... motions.The PhD project will be carried out at the Institute of Environmental Geosciences (IGE) in Grenoble
- Imerys
- Glomel
- February 25
specialty solutions for the industry with €3.8 billion in revenue and 13,700 employees in 54 countries in 2023
Account Executive
- Infinit
- Rennes
- February 4
Created in 2023, INFINIT operates in more than 6 countries and has in excess of 150 employees of different
DWDM Embedded Software Engineer
- Ekinops
- Lannion
- February 15
Ekinops is recognized for its ESG commitments with its rating in the EthiFinance ESG Ratings 2023 report
Product Owner / Manger
- Newpage Solutions
- Vitré
- March 11
Review ’as “Top 50 Promising Healthcare Solution Providers” and “Great Place to Work Certified (GPTW) 2023
Technical Site Manager
- iberdrola
- Saint-Brieuc
- March 4
strategy throughout the country which will enable us to achieve an installed capacity of 614 MW in 2023
SCADA Senior Engineer
- iberdrola
- Saint-Brieuc
- February 26
strategy throughout the country which will enable us to achieve an installed capacity of 614 MW in 2023
Deputy Site Manager
- iberdrola
- Saint-Brieuc
- February 26
strategy throughout the country which will enable us to achieve an installed capacity of 614 MW in 2023
Technical Site Manager
- Rochester Gas & Electric
- Saint-Brieuc
- February 19
strategy throughout the country which will enable us to achieve an installed capacity of 614 MW in 2023
Deputy Site Manager
- Rochester Gas & Electric
- Saint-Brieuc
- February 19
strategy throughout the country which will enable us to achieve an installed capacity of 614 MW in 2023
WTG Senior Engineer
- iberdrola
- Saint-Brieuc
- February 26
strategy throughout the country which will enable us to achieve an installed capacity of 614 MW in 2023
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