7 2023 grenoble English-speaking jobs in Marseille
25-296 Observing lagrangian transport pathways in the Mediterranean Sea from sp
- Centre national d'études spatiales
- Marseille
- March 6
oceanographic field campaigns have been carried out during the first phase of the SWOT mission in Spring 2023 ... The student will be affiliated with the University of Grenoble Alpes and jointly supervised by Julien ... motions.The PhD project will be carried out at the Institute of Environmental Geosciences (IGE) in Grenoble
Three-years PhD position in Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Material Science: Development of porous hy[...]
- Karlstad University
- Marseille
- March 13
), and SIMaP (Grenoble INP).TYPE OF CONTRACT: TEMPORARY / JOB STATUS: FULL / HOURS PER WEEK: 35APPLICATION ... project in collaboration with the MADIREL laboratory (Aix-Marseille Université), LIPhy (Université Grenoble-Alpes
25-087 Combined analysis of galaxy clustering and weak lensing with Euclid
- Centre national d'études spatiales
- Marseille
- March 13
weak lensing with EuclidMissionScientific Context:Euclid is an M-class ESA mission launched in July 2023
25-040 Unveiling the properties of the first protoclusters with JWST and Euclid
- Centre national d'études spatiales
- Marseille
- March 13
, Tacchella et al. 2023). ... surrounded by fainter galaxies in small protoclusters (e.g., Laporte et al. 2022, Castellano et al. 2023 ... Universe led to the detection of hundreds of primeval galaxies (e.g., Bouwens et al. 2015, Donnan et al. 2023
General Accountant (Tax)
- American President Lines
- Marseille
- January 3
Following the recent ERP migration in 2023 and in a view to strengthening our control environment, documentation
General Accountant (Tax)
- Marseille
- December 13
Following the recent ERP migration in 2023 and in a view to strengthening our control environment, documentation
Technicien automatisme H/F
- Sealed Air
- Gémenos
- February 19
In 2023, Sealed Air generated $5.5 billion in revenue and had approximately 17,000 employees operating
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